Tour and presentation of vStack and GAGAR>IN at IXcellerate Data Center


22.03.2023, Moscow, DPC IXcellerate. vStack experts and employees of server equipment manufacturer GAGAR>IN met with current and potential customers at IXcellerate data center, where the companies’ equipment is located. The event was held in a friendly atmosphere. vStack and GAGAR>IN gave a tour, a presentation and an informal meeting over dinner.

In the course of the tour it became clear that the interest in Russian solutions is becoming more and more widespread. In the context of sanctions and problems with access to foreign solutions and equipment, many have focused their development vector on achieving technological sovereignty. Companies are ready to switch to domestic platforms and are exploring available opportunities and the best solutions currently available on the market.  For vStack, this is one of the key topics. The company’s task is to search for alternative solutions to achieve independence from any products and services with the risk of losing support and access to the knowledge base.

The goal of the event was to acquaint the participants with the solutions, which are the basis of vStack, and to tell them about the possibilities of building their own infrastructure on the basis of this platform. The vStack and GAGAR>IN experts made presentations of their solutions and answered questions from the audience. After that, representatives of customers and partners were given a tour of the IXcellerate data center. Participants could see firsthand how the Russian data center is organized and where ITGLOBAL.COM equipment is located. In the informal part of the event a rock band consisting of IXcellerate employees performed.

“The meeting was attended by representatives of companies of various sizes. All of them were very loyal; many of them are not just familiar with our solution, but are directly interested in its implementation. Large customers with a highly distributed infrastructure paid attention to the vStack platform. It was pleasant to note that even those who previously were not ready to consider vStack changed their decision. Such companies have already started looking for options to change their approach to building their own infrastructure to accommodate our platform.”
Evgeny Karpov, Development Manager of the vStack hyperconverged platform

IXcellerate — The leading operator of commercial data centers, one of the three largest participants of the Russian market. It provides the opportunity to place server and telecommunication equipment with the ability to increase capacity depending on the needs of the company.

GAGAR>IN — manufacturer of full-cycle Russian server equipment based on advanced server technologies. One of the first in Russia to develop and produce its own servers on Intel Xeon processors.

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