One of the largest IT companies ICL Group became a partner of vStack


One of the leaders in the Russian IT market, ICL Group, signed a partnership agreement for sales of the vStack hyperconverged solution. Благодаря новому сотрудничеству ГК ICL сможет предложить клиентам отечественное решение для виртуализации, чтобы заменить ушедших из России зарубежных поставщиков. This step demonstrates that big business has chosen the way of achieving technological independence and is ready to replace imported solutions with domestic platforms.

ICL Group provides a full range of IT services, creates projects and develops its own products. In particular, the group of companies provides IT infrastructure support, manufactures hardware, organizes events for information security, and conducts research and development work. Through the use of modern technology, ICL’s customers can gain access to the latest developments and gain a competitive advantage.

ICL Group’s list of strategic partners includes the world’s largest IT companies. Now vStack, an enterprise-level hyperconverged platform, has been added to it. ICL Group will offer it to its clients as an analogue of VMware platform that left the Russian market. It is important to emphasize that vStack is not a copy of VMware, but the original modern development of Russian specialists.

With the vStack hyperconverged platform, companies can reduce IT management costs. Horizontal scaling allows IT infrastructure to grow without downtime. And the ability to manage the infrastructure through a single interface makes it possible to maintain the platform by a single administrator. As a result, a company can eliminate the need for a large staff of specialists to work with vStack.

“Many Russian companies have just begun to work on achieving technological independence. There is a lot of work to be done to replace foreign hardware and software with domestic solutions. Companies can choose whether to invest in their own developments or buy ready-made solutions from Russian IT companies. It is important to start taking the first steps in this direction now, and the partnership of vStack with ICL Group shows that large IT companies have already started to make them.
Eugene Gavrilov, vStack Project Manager

About ICL

ICL Group has been operating for 30 years. During this time the high-tech group of companies has implemented projects in 35 countries. ICL Group is on the list of the largest IT companies in Russia. The group of companies strives to expand its horizons in the IT sphere and focuses on the latest technologies. Strategic cooperation with the largest companies allows ICL Group to offer solutions for sustainable business development to customers from different industries.

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