Hybrid Infrastructure


Hybrid Infrastructure combines elements of on-premises and cloud resources. The goal of hybridity is to achieve system flexibility and efficiency.


  • On-premises resources are limited. By analyzing the weaknesses in the system when processing data, you can determine how much needs to be moved to the cloud to optimize the infrastructure. Some of it stays on physical hardware.
  • The owner can create a system based on need and critical analysis. Before introducing a hybrid form, it is worth identifying the weak elements of the system.
  • Copies of the data can be placed both within the main system and in the cloud.
  • Equipment always requires maintenance and updating. This leads to catastrophic costs. The cloud is an element that allows you to access the tools and resources you need without cost.
  • Two independent elements are better than one. The infrastructure becomes less susceptible to outages.

Classification of infrastructure

Important software, such as services and modules, without which the system cannot function, must be installed on premium hardware and carefully monitored.

Then come databases and data management systems. The database itself is deployed on hardware within the infrastructure, and the server software is installed in the cloud. The next level is VMs and operating systems, which are usually installed in the cloud because they do not require much control or resources. The core of a competent infrastructure is the key mechanism that provides the basic functions.

The hybrid approach to network infrastructure aims to reduce economic costs, to form the stability of the system.

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